Monday, 28 May 2012

Can you feel...

sad as if was the end of September, while is just the end of May? The short answer is yes. The long is "Yes if you live in Glasgow (and not in Sardinia anymore!) and you have just had a few fantastic sunny days". But just a few :(. Why is summer so short in Scotland? And why it goes in a couple of hours? Since I became a mum, I think the last few ones have been the most amazing days I spent with my little ones, with my hubby and with my friends.
My girls are so happy since the minute they wake up because they know, we'll be out in a bit, wearing shorts and short sleeves, having fruit in the park for lunch, having friends around for a BBQ, or just spending all the afternoon in the back garden.
How can I tell them tomorrow, that "Well we are going out, but there won't be lunch at the park, we won't be wearing sandals, and we just won't go out again every night after dinner!"
Is in these moments that I think...should I seriously consider moving to a warmer place (or at least a place that is warmer for longer than a week per year!)? I can see how happy Betta and Tilda would be (and myself too of course!!!), and how much they (and I) will benefit from a sunny place. But then, we love Glasgow, we have all our friends and all our activities here. Pfffff
Can we not live 6 months in Glasgow and 6 in Sardinia?